.stl export of script-created plane

Benoît G.Benoît G. asked 10 months ago

I am soon to be finished with the script pipeline NACA generation -> XFLR5 airfoil script run -> flow5 plane script run, using VLM2 (thank you again), and I was wondering if there would be an option to export the .stl of the 3D created wing via scripting? This would help greatly my future models to understand the 3D relationship between the wing’s points.


André Deperroistechwinder Staff replied 10 months ago

Hi Benoît,
No option for that unfortunately. I’ll add it to the todo list.

Benoît G.Benoît G. replied 10 months ago

Thanks! Looking forward to it.


1 Answers
Benoît G.Benoît G. answered 9 months ago

Hi André,
Any forseeable updates on this? I am asking because the script to run different shapes/configurations is done and I am currently building a dataset for thousands of flight points. I am also looking into neural nets to use the dataset, and it would really help a lot if I could get the .stl directly out of flow5 in order to streamline the results better. 

André Deperroistechwinder Staff replied 9 months ago

Hi Benoît,
I will send you a pre-release version running on linux in the next few days prior for testing and feedback.