Scalar Products and the TE contribution

Jake asked 5 years ago

Hi André, 
I am attempting to create a quad panel-Tri Linear-Thick Surf analysis and I am encountering this error, any guidance would be appreciated 
“Adding the wake’s contributions…
*** numerical error calculating the scalar products of panel 0 with the wake contribution of TE panel 22
*** aborting calculation
*** numerical error calculating the scalar products of panel 620 with the wake contribution of TE panel 22
*** aborting calculation
Time to make the wake contributions: 0.00 s
Panel Analysis completed … Errors encountered”

1 Answers
André Deperroistechwinder Staff answered 5 years ago

This is usually due to mesh elements with weird geometries, which can be caused by divergences of the built-in mesher. The upcoming beta 08 will improve the mesher.
For further analysis, I’ll need the project file.