Sail analysis scripting and boat with STL sails import

Questions, suggestions, feature requests, bug reports, feedbackCategory: Feature requestsSail analysis scripting and boat with STL sails import
Nicolas AubinNicolas Aubin asked 1 year ago

Hi, again great software to use.
For the sail analysis, it seems that the scripting ability has been implemented which is great for exploring many sailing conditions. However, it does not seem to be possible to use the scripting functionality when trying to do it on a boat that contains sails defined through an STL import. When doing a NURBS or spline sail definition, those definition are stored when exporting the .xml file of the boat. When exporting a boat which uses sails imported as .stl, the sail information is not exported to the boat xml file (this might be too challenging to do so).
There might be a work around as prior to running an analysis, a script can load a given fl5 project which can contain a boat where sails are defined as imported from STL. Maybe the script could not just look on the boat definition in the specified folder location in the script xml but can also look for any boat definition existing on the pre-loaded fl5 project if they exist. This way the scripting functionality could also work for boats that have sails defined via STL.

Thank you again,


André Deperroistechwinder Staff replied 1 year ago

Thanks for the suggestion.
The STL sails are not part of the scripting because I could not see a way to define automatically the TE panels in the script.
The option to import a .fl5 project file is already present using the tag in the meta-data and the script should run all valid Boat/analysis calculations.
PS I’ll send you a PM