problem about imported stl-type fuselage

xiaoqing chenxiaoqing chen asked 2 years ago

Hello, when I imported a stl-type fuselage, it seems that the mesh function doesnot work well, the result is as follows

2 Answers
xiaoqing chenxiaoqing chen answered 2 years ago

The picture doesnot show well,

André Deperroistechwinder Staff replied 2 years ago


Not sure  that  I understand.

If it’s an imported STL mesh, then I guess you will need to refine the mesh in the CAD application before exporting it to flow5.

If it’s a STEP type fuselage, the image looks more like a surface tesselation than a mesh. The tesselation is only used for display, so the quality of the triangles is unimportant. The recommendation is to simplify the model in the CAD by removing all the small surfaces, and only then export it as a STEP model for meshing in flow5.

Hope this helps,


xiaoqing chenxiaoqing chen answered 2 years ago

Thank you for your answer, the problem is solved when the model is saved in  STEP type file and import into flow5.