Issue import of boat definition with sail(s) with more than 2 sections

Questions, suggestions, feature requests, bug reports, feedbackCategory: Bug reportsIssue import of boat definition with sail(s) with more than 2 sections
Nicolas AubinNicolas Aubin asked 1 year ago

Hi, again great software and kuddos to the developper(s).
it seems that when importing a boat definition (xml file of a boat) that contains a sail defined with more than 2 sections (so either 3 sections or more), the boat import crashes during the import phase (software closes after freezing). Here are some observations depending on the sail type definition:

  • NURBS sails definition have by default 3 sections along Z so it seems impossible to be imported, unless the degree along z is dropped down to 1 and then one of the section is removed. With two sections only in the sail then the export and import seems to work.
  • SPLINE sails definition, the boat xml export import seems to work when the sail is defined with only 2 sections but fails when putting 3 sections or more (tested up to 4). The boat xml export file seems normal as it contain an additionnal <Section> </Section> part in the sail description, similar to the section parts when there is only 2 sections (2 stripe curves).
  • If the part <Section> </Section> in the boat xml file is manually removed to just keep only 2 sections, the import works.
  • The number of sails does not seem to matter. It just happens if any sail in the boat definition has more than two sections.

This import issue impact the scripting ability as it crashes when working boats containing sails defined with more than 2 sections (so most sail design shapes which usually are defined with at least 3 sections).
Thank you again,

1 Answers
André Deperroistechwinder Staff answered 1 year ago

Confirmed, will fix.
Thanks for reporting the bug(s).