I’m trying to run an analysis T2-TriLinear-ThickSurf. while analysis I’m getting this error.
Since this check was recently added not much documentation is available if possible can you provide the reason behind it?
Initializing the triangle analysis
Checking element sizes
The element size is incompatible with the vortex core size.
Either increase the element size or reduce the vortex core size to at least 1/50 of the minimum element size.
The vortex core size is set in the global analysis settings (menu option analysis/3d analysis settings).
Core radius = 0.01 mm
The core size is intended to avoid numerical singularities when buidling the influence matrix. If this size is comarable to the triangles edge length, then the influence matrix is flawed and the results are incorrect. On the other hand if the vortex core size is too small, then there may be singularities and the results will again be incorrect.
One option is to use the built in “Check mesh” option to determine what is the size of the smallest triangle and then reduce the vortex core size in the menu option “Analysis/3d analysis settings”.
Two important recommendations:
- Avoid small triangles altogether by cleaning up small edges and faces before meshing.
- Use tri-uniform instead of tri-linear triangles. Experience has shown that linear elements do not increase noticeably the accuracy, but they increase 9x the size of the influence matrix and make for longer analysis times.
Hope this helps.