Free surface bug in XML files.

Francesco BalestrieriFrancesco Balestrieri asked 3 months ago

Good morning,
I am writing to report a potential issue I have encountered in Flow5 (version 7.26). I utilise Flow5 by writing XML files and executing them via the terminal. Upon examination of the analysis XML files, it became evident that there is no line defining free surface effects. It would appear that it is not possible to set the analysis with free surface effects from the XML file, despite the fact that this is possible from the GUI. I have therefore tried to enable the ground effects by imposing a negative height, in the hope that this would enable the free surface rather than the ground effects. However, the results obtained are at odds with those obtained from the graphical interface and are also quite nonsensical given the impossibility of flying underground.
I hope this information is useful and await feedback if I have made an error in setting up the analysis from XML files.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Have a nice day.

1 Answers
André Deperroistechwinder Staff answered 3 months ago

Thanks for reporting the bug. I’ll fix it in the next version.