coordinate system for calculation of roll, pitch, yaw moment (L, M, N)

Questions, suggestions, feature requests, bug reports, feedbackCategory: Questionscoordinate system for calculation of roll, pitch, yaw moment (L, M, N)
scott silerscott siler asked 1 year ago

hey I was wondering if there is a way to choose a different orientation for the system? I would like to stay using a right-hand system, however, is there a way to reorient the coordinate system so that the X-axis is pointing forward out of the leading edge of the wing and the Z-axis is pointing down instead of up? i only ask because thats what i’ve always been taught is the standard coordinate orientation for a body-fixed coordinate system. thanks.

André Deperroistechwinder Staff replied 1 year ago

The axis system cannot be set manually. However it uses the standard stability axes with the x-axis pointing forward and the z-axis pointing downards as defined in Etkin & Reid.
A recap of the method can be found in lecture 16 of the this course
See the figure on page 5.

scott silerscott siler replied 1 year ago

Hey Andre,
if that is true, and Flow5 utilizes the standard orientation of a body-fixed axis system, then i am confused by the results i am getting. i modeled a basic wing with no taper, an aspect ratio of 6, and a flap on the left wing tip modeling an aileron deflection down. i get a negative roll moment (L) and a positive yaw moment (N). however, for a left aileron down, i should get a positive roll moment (L) indicating a roll to the right and a negative yaw moment (N) due to the adverse yaw. if you can tell me an email address, i can send screen shots of what i am getting.thanks for your help.
can you tell me an email

1 Answers
scott silerscott siler answered 1 year ago

Hey Andre,
if that is true, and Flow5 utilizes the standard orientation of a body-fixed axis system, then i am confused by the results i am getting. i modeled a basic wing with no taper, an aspect ratio of 6, and a flap on the left wing tip modeling an aileron deflection down. i get a negative roll moment (L) and a positive yaw moment (N). however, for a left aileron down, i should get a positive roll moment (L) indicating a roll to the right and a negative yaw moment (N) due to the adverse yaw. if you can tell me an email address, i can send screen shots of what i am getting.thanks for your help. 
can you tell me an email

André Deperroistechwinder Staff replied 1 year ago

Hello, the axes and signs have been a pain since the beginning due to the need of converting quantities from body to stability axes and vice-versa. I’m reasonably confident in the absolute values, but I’ll revisit the whole thing and post back.