Batch Analysis for Aero database

Luke SpiteriLuke Spiteri asked 3 years ago

I was hoping for guidance / clarification on FLOW5 and if it is capable for the batch analysis function to be setup to run multiple analyses to derive an aerodatabase? I have just installed a trial version of the software and it appears as if separate unique analyses need to be created first, and the batch function allows you to run them simultaneously. Is this the case, or can multiple iterations of different combinations of control surface deflections be assessed in a single analysis?
I would greatly appreciate any clarification!

1 Answers
André Deperroistechwinder Staff answered 3 years ago

The second batch mode which is marked as deprecated should address your need. It is marked as deprecated because I was trying to come up with a more user-friendly alternative, but it’s operational and won’t be going away. The alternative is to use scripting.
To run an analysis for different deflections of the control surfaces, T6 control polars should be used.

Luke SpiteriLuke Spiteri replied 3 years ago

Hi André,
Thank you for your prompt response! Is it possible to generate control derivatives using the T6 control polars (when only iterating one of the control surfaces for instance), or are these only output via the T7?
My apologies if my questions are naïve, I’m still familiarizing myself with the tool and analysis.
Thanks again,

André Deperroistechwinder Staff replied 3 years ago

The control derivatives are calculated only in the case of T7 stability analyses.
The main reason is that it would lead to very long analyses times in the case of T6 polars, with little expected benefits in terms of accuracy.