Alignement of buffer wake panels and vortons for sail analysis

Questions, suggestions, feature requests, bug reports, feedbackCategory: Bug reportsAlignement of buffer wake panels and vortons for sail analysis
Nicolas AubinNicolas Aubin asked 1 year ago

Hi there,
not sure if this is something expected or not but I believe there might be an odd symmetry in the buffer wake panel alignement and the true wind direction when doing an analysis on a sail. The wake panel and vortons seems to aligne themselves in a direction matching the symmetric of the wind direction (free stream velocity vector).
You can find a few screenshots showing top views with the wake panel buffer and the wind direction, but also the vortons. The panel wake is said to be aligned with the free stream velocity but that does not seem to be the case here. I believe vortons at the rear part of the wake should be convected in a direction aligned with the free stream velocity direction, which is not the case on the attached screenshot. In the available AC boat sail7 file, I can see the vorton being convected as expected, but the buffer wake panels seems again symmetric to the wind direction around the longitudinal x axis.
(here is a link to see the screenshots
Let me know if you need more information,

André Deperroistechwinder Staff replied 1 year ago

Yes, it’s a bug. Thanks for reporting it.
I’ll investigate a bit to see whether it’s just a display issue or if the panels are not aligned in the calculation, and I’ll post back.

1 Answers
André Deperroistechwinder Staff answered 1 year ago

I confirm that it’s a bug. The alignemnt in v7.24 of the sideslip signs in the aero module caused this bug in the sail module. 
I’ll do my best to fix it promptly.