Multiple bugs in Foil design (Windows 10) – one critical

Questions, suggestions, feature requests, bug reports, feedbackCategory: Bug reportsMultiple bugs in Foil design (Windows 10) – one critical
Nathan KimmelNathan Kimmel asked 5 months ago

I have significant experience with xflr5 and was excited to try flow5.  However, I’ve encountered a large number of bugs, one of which results in the results of airfoil analyses being useless.  I’ve listed the bugs in the order in which they are encountered when attempting to analyze airfoils.

  1. Attempting to load a single airfoil from a dat file after airfoils are already in memory causes the creation of a new project containing only the airfoil being loaded.
    1. If the flow5 project has not been saved, a dialogue box will appear asking if the user wants to save the project.  Clicking “Yes” results in the “Save” window appearing, after which the existing project is closed and a new project is created that contains only the airfoil that was selected to be loaded.  Clicking “No” results in the existing project being closed without saving, and a new project is created that contains only the airfoil that was selected to be loaded.
    2. If the flow5 project has been saved, no dialogue box appears, the existing project is automatically closed, and a new project is created containing only the airfoil that was selected to be loaded.
    3. Attempting to load two or more airfoils from dat files does NOT cause the creation of a new project.  The airfoils are added to the existing project.
  2. “Multi-threaded Batch Analysis” is greyed out and cannot be selected.  I tested this with imported airfoils from Selig format dat files (61 points each), and with internally generated N.A.C.A. airfoils (101 points each).  I tried it with a single airfoil in memory and with multiple airfoils in memory.  It was greyed out every time.
    Greyed out "Multi-threaded Batch Analysis"
  3. When defining an analysis, every boundary layer option is greyed out except for “Differential (experimental)”.
  4. When defining an analysis, every analysis type option is greyed out except for “Type 1 (fixed speed)”.
  5. The “alpha” symbol in the Analysis 2d sidebar appears as a box (unknown character).
    Analysis definition options greyed out
  6. When performing a flow analysis, the “Flow Analysis” log window is blank white (and subsequently becomes “Not Responding”) until the analysis finishes, at which point the window updates with the expected UI and log output.
    Flow analysis log is blank
  7. CRITICAL – The results of an alpha sweep using options “Viscous”, “Init BL”, and “Store Opp” are wildly wrong.  The analysis was defined to be a “Type 1 (fixed speed)” analysis using the “Differential (experimental)” boundary layer because those were the only available options.
    1. I analyzed a S2091-101-83 airfoil with 61 points.  Re=1e6.  Alpha sweep from 0 to 20 degrees.
      1. The lift curve slope was 7.51 per radian.  Stall did not occur and the lift curve was linear.  Drag values were erratic and spiked to Cd>1.4  at Cl=2.1 before decreasing to near-zero at higher Cl.
        flow5 analysis of S2091
    2. I repeated the analysis in xflr5 and obtained reasonable results.
      1. The lift curve slope was less 5.96 per radian (less than 2pi per radian, as expected).  The airfoil was predicted to stall at Cl=1.64.  The drag bucket was smooth and appeared as expected, including a slight laminar flow bucket.
        xlfr5 analysis of S2091

Given that the airfoil analysis results are unreliable, I have not yet tried the “Plane design” module.

André Deperroistechwinder Staff replied 5 months ago

Thanks for the feedback.
Bug 1: The shortcut has changed since xflr5. Use Ctrl+Shift+F instead of Ctrl+O to load the airfoils.
All other bugs: agreed. The initial intent was to implement an alternative to XFoil by using the differential method and taking advantage of modern computer power. This however turned out to be the wrong approach, a failure and a waste of time because the differential method is not robust enough and converges only occasionally.
In the end the solution was to use xflr5/xfoil as a back-end to generate the 2d viscous data necessary to the 3d analysis. However until flow5 goes open-source in 18 months or so, XFoil cannot be included as a module in flow5 because of the constraints of the GPL. The way to proceed is to
1. use the blue arrow in the toolbar to export the foils and launch xflr5,
2. generate the viscous data in xflr5,
3. save the project and close xflr5,
4. and finally use the red arrow to import the data back into flow5.
When flow5 goes opensource, I will restore XFoil as a linked module.
Until then flow5 is a 3d oriented application.
Hope this clarifies things.

Nathan KimmelNathan Kimmel replied 5 months ago

Hi André,

Bug 1: I was using the “Open” button on the toolbar, working under the assumption that it had the same functionality as in xflr5.

Thank you for the explanation about 2d foil analysis in flow5 and the instructions for a workaround.
