Version 7.01 beta 09 issue

Federico ScussatFederico Scussat asked 5 years ago

with beta09 version i tried to run control polar exercise downloade from documentation and resource area.
it seems like lift distribution is downscaled compared to wingspan, instead of beta 8 in wich lift distribution exetends along overall wingspan.
Lift zero is not at the tip but in the middle of the wing in short words.
It could be a bug? since in beta8 lift distribution is correct; the file is downloaded from this site and no change by my side is performed.
Thank you

André Deperroistechwinder Staff replied 5 years ago

Hi Federico,

Yes, there is a bug in beta 09. It is just a display thing that I missed in the validation tests.
I’ll be releasing a corrected beta 10 in the next few days.
Another issue reported with beta 09 is the default core radius which is set at 0.5 mm; this value can be too high for very fine meshes. It can be reduced to 0.01 mm for instance in the menu Analysis/3d Analysis settings/vortex tab.
Thanks for reporting this.


2 Answers
Federico ScussatFederico Scussat answered 5 years ago

control polar

Federico ScussatFederico Scussat answered 5 years ago

ok i m finally there, sorry for before empty answe, here the problem